The Week of 11/8/10


-Monday: Reading Workshop in the media center. Media center scavenger hunt and questionnaire due at the end of the hour

-Tuesday-Friday: Finish final draft of essay, create VoiceThread project for an audiovisual representation of essay. VoiceThread project due by the end of class on Friday. See me for a VoiceThread project handout. In short, you will create a VoiceThread account, find relevant pictures online (Google Images is a great site) for every 3-ish sentences in your essay, upload them to VoiceThread, then use the laptop mics to record your essay over the slides of your pictures. Then, set your VoiceThread to public and send the link to me.

-Flocabulary for the week: Week 2 of Muhammad Ali Flocab words. See me for the packet, which was due Thursday. Also, there is an extra credit Flocab sheet that was also due Thursday.

-On Monday you'll have a comprehensive quiz for all of the Flocab words we've had so far (4 weeks). See me for a set of flashcards to study with as well as a list of all of the words with definitions.

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